Message From The Partners 

From the very beginning, Waters, Vollmering & Associates has recognized that we have three important and interdependent constituencies; our clients, our associates, and our profession. Our challenge has always been to meet the needs of each to the very best of our ability, while respecting and building complete and well-rounded lives.
To our clients:
We will constantly seek to serve your professional accounting, audit, tax, and consulting needs in the finest manner possible. To help us do that, we will seek out those like-minded professionals to be associated with us thereby enhancing our ability to complete the tasks assigned to us in a highly professional manner. We will seek out and utilize the latest technical tools available, and maintain and expand the level of our professional knowledge by attending appropriate continuing education programs. We will treat you and your employees with the same respect and courtesy that we seek for ourselves.
To our associates:
We will treat each person in our firm as a valuable member of our team. To us, that means that we respect you as a person, as well as a professional. To us, that means that we will ask no more of you than we do of ourselves. However, we will ask for and expect your best. We will seek to provide a challenging array of work assignments. We will provide you with the technical tools to succeed, and an environment in which you can grow. The rest is up to you. We believe the professional results can be rewarding, but within a framework that respects and expects that there is more to your life than work.
To our profession:
As members of the CPA profession, we expect that we will perform our work in accordance with appropriate technical standards. We will monitor our work constantly, have periodic inspections and outside peer reviews to confirm that the quality we expect is being achieved.
There are several key principles upon which we are building this firm. First, we are a firm of people dedicated to each other, and working together as a team to achieve outstanding technical service for our clients, and rewarding careers and relationships with each other, while meeting the highest standards of our profession. We are not a loose confederation of professionals working in a cost sharing arrangement. Next, we will stand on character and principle. While there is a legitimate place for advocacy, especially in our tax practice, we believe that ultimately integrity is crucial. This extends to how we treat our clients, each other and our families.
Finally, a fulfilling life must extend beyond the workday. The greatest values, and most important elements of our lives must include more than economic interests. We respect that family and faith constitute the most important of our relationships. That is the most fundamental principle upon which we are building this firm.